

And thank you for coming to this website. eoinearme is a business directory / classified ads app specifically for the Nigerian market. On eoinearme, you can post an ad to promote a place such as a restaurant, hospital, supermarket, place of worship, school, mechanic workshop, event center, pos point etc.

You can post products for example landed property, mobile phones, electronics, cars and car accessories, household appliances, building materials, tools, open market food stuffs, etc.

You can even post your services for instance estate agent, lawyer, architect, surveyor, electrician, plumber, teacher, swimming instructor, mechanic, make up artist, gele tying, photographer, videographer, transporter, cleaning services, travel agent, consultant etc.

By posting an ad for free, you allow prospective customers find you on eoinerme app and so you are able to increase your customer base, make more people be aware of your products or services and ultimately grow your business.

The list of things you can advertise or search for on eoinearme is intended to be inexhaustible, and will grow over time.

You can watch how to post an ad on our YouTube channel YouTube Channel

We only provide the online space for companies and individuals to promote themselves. We do not check the authenticity of any information. The users of the app are strongly advised to do all their security and authenticity checks before any transaction as eoi-nearme cannot be held liable for failed or fraudulent transactions by those who use the app.

Those who want to place an ad for others to search can do so using the mobile app. The mobile app is available for download on the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

Please read our:
Privacy Policy
Terms and Conditions

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Apple Store

Upload your ads for free using the mobile app